Saturday, July 20, 2024

Somewhere in Between Self-Loathing and Narcissism

If you're self-loathing,

there's a deficiency

in your ability

to value yourself --

much less anyone else --

which renders you


of truly loving others.

If you're a narcissist,

you value yourself to an

unhealthy degree,

leaving no room in your

mental or emotional bank

for others,

rendering you


of truly loving anyone else.

The goal

is to live and love

somewhere in between.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Missing My Other Half

Even though I know

that you live halfway

across the country now,

I can't help but look inside

every dark red CR-V in town

to see if you

are driving it.

I know, intellectually,

that it can't be you

but, emotionally,

somehow, I hope it's you

every time.

I can't help myself.


in the recesses of my mind,

I'm looking for

my other half.

I'm looking 

for you.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

You’re not Here

The daffodils still bloom

in the backyard,

but you're not here.

The lights that you installed

under the kitchen cabinets

are still working well,

but you're not here.

I still wake up every morning

in our bed,

but you're not here.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Death by Divorce

I was widowed at 47

not by death

but by divorce,

which is a death

all its own.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

(At some point,)

At some point,

I was deemed worthy of
